Sparkify (Penn Spark Fall 2023)
A web app that uses AI to generate a user's collage of their top music taste on Spotify. Built with Python, Svelte, and AWS Lambda
A web app that uses AI to generate a user's collage of their top music taste on Spotify. Built with Python, Svelte, and AWS Lambda
A unified API for The Daily Pennsylvanian, Under the Button, and 34th Street websites, as well as the DP+ mobile app. Built with Express, MongoDB, and TypeScript
The website for Princeton High School's newspaper club, The Tower. Written with Next.js, Prisma, and TypeScript and uses postgreSQL as a database
A command-line tool that can convert any video (or image) into a stream of ascii characters that can be played in the terminal. Written with Rust and Open Computer Vision.
A bare metal, 32-bit kernel + custom bootloader written in C and Intel Assembly. All it does is play guess the number.